We really are all living in the world of Franchise IP.

Keep your receipts.

I’m currently working on a big culture project at my company. We’re developing new values, behaviors, and onboarding. These three books have been very influential in the process. An Everyone Culture The One Thing Working Backwards

The Rehearsal on HBO Max is a singular experience.

Your job as a product marketer is to gather and share knowledge.

Of course there’s more to it, but in the end you have to be a journalist working a beat; who translates the information you collect for a non-technical audience.

Almost no one published podcasts on Saturday morning. But that’s the day I have the most free time.

11:35 AM. On a Tuesday. Put in the work early on what you know works so you can spend the rest of the day experimenting and creating new value.

There’s a #marketing lesson in here somewhere

Best laundry basket I’ve ever known. It’s the right height to fly under the dryer door. It’s light and easy to stow away. And it reminds me of table side 🥑 guacamole.

The best stuff isn’t always positioned correctly.


Brand can buy your offering a “fast pass” to the consideration set.

Lack of brand can buy your offering a “fast pass” for the race to the bottom.

A penny saved is a penny earned.

A penny invested in providing value to your customers earns you 3:1 LTV:CAC.

#productmarketing #saas

Most SDR outreach is wayyyy too needy.

Customers and prospects don’t typically care that the quarter is about to close.

Spend time getting internal buy-in for your launch strategy. Ask for feedback and involve more people in the process as you refine your message. People who have weighed in will feel more invested in the product launch when it comes time to rally the team.


Friction is the enemy of adoption.

Friction is the enemy of adoption. Along with the broader marketing group, it’s on folks in product marketing and demand generation specifically to act as a path clearer for the customer. Removing unnecessary steps everywhere will eventually help fill the funnel with happy customers. It’s on leadership to have the patience to stick with it.

Yesterday was a rare day. Not that many meetings. But my calendar was still full of things that are important to me. If you don’t prioritize your personal priorities, are they even priorities?

Take a walk. Networking. Giving yourself permission to actually take a lunch. Proactively sharing your project status. These are the foundation for being able to do the work in the gaps there.

Jargon Surgery in Meetings

Time for some more jargon surgery. Acronyms and BizSpeak in meetings are the worst. But not for the reason you might think. Most people aren’t going to stop to explain them for you. They’ll just keep going and assume you know what they’re talking about. But it’s not their fault. It’s yours. If you hear an acronym or term you don’t know yet… ASK. People don’t know what they don’t know and they will definitely assume you understand the words they use if you dont… ASK.

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Time is more valuable than money. Defend it.

So much of early stage marketing success relies on “hand to hand” stuff. The stuff that the “will it scale?” people can often derail. Don’t let them. Automation is easy for humans to subconsciously detect and gives the market permission to ignore it in favor of more “real” stuff.

This $200 IKEA whiteboard will instantly upgrade your work life, especially if you work from home.

It can serve multiple purposes: off the cuff sketches, pinning notes and papers, kid art; and even act as a “clutter in background hider” for zoom calls.

Sometimes Product Marketing is communicating simplicity, and setting expectations on how long setup will take.

I love this touch in the @Sonos app.

I imagine that it increases conversion to completing that action.